Welcome to my art blog.

This is where you'll find some of the things I'm trying to accomplish... a little of this and that. Paintings, photography, collage and sewing...every artful endeavor helps me keep my sanity in this mixed up world.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Creature of Habit

It's not something I'm terribly proud of.... this resistance to progress technologically. I blame it on my DNA. I'm not wired to pick up a new techno gadget and be heard to say "How cool is that", but more likely to mutter..."What is this thing?". I wandered up and down the gadget aisles at Fred Meyer the other night... just to see what had been invented while I wasn't paying attention. This photo was taken with my ancient Minolta film camera. I'm tempted to start looking for yet another camera body for it on Ebay before I frustrate myself with a newer digital camera.

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