Welcome to my art blog.

This is where you'll find some of the things I'm trying to accomplish... a little of this and that. Paintings, photography, collage and sewing...every artful endeavor helps me keep my sanity in this mixed up world.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

New creative energy

How time flies.  I never get used to how fast it passes.  Time to take stock of what has happened in the past 30-some days since I last posted.  Managed to create and ship the above acrylic painting in time to be included in the Northwest Watercolor Society signature members show being held at the Seattle Design Center in May.  I'm hoping for some double mileage out of that venue.  This painting is a result of numerous influences I've been pondering.....trying to reduce an image to succinct shapes in a large-for-me format.  I hope to explore compositions that have an iconic element, that shout from 10 feet away "Hey, I am really into the beach" or whatever.  Aside from that, it was therapeutic to set a creative goal, overcome the obstacles without cutting off an ear, and actually creating something I felt I could share.....with a couple days to spare.  Yeah me!

I will start the Bellingham Farmers Market next Saturday, April 30.  It's under the pavilion, away from the rain, for me this year.  Look for me along the wall with the windows. 

More creative stuff to write about later...hopefully not a month-from-now later.  

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